Campus Calendar
View a listing of listing of events happening on the CSUDH campus.
Academic Calendar
Keep track of important dates and deadlines that your students need to know, including class start and end dates, registration dates, add/drop dates, graduation information deadlines, campus holidays, final exams, and more.
Log on to Canvas to check your web-based courses and classes.
Online Catalog
View and download online course catalogs from the current year, as well as those from previous academic years.
Class Schedule
See the class schedules for the fall, winter, summer, and spring terms.
Faculty Affairs & Development
The Office of Faculty Affairs & Development at CSUDH is responsible for professional, personnel, and labor relations services for faculty. We are here to assist faculty navigate university policies, procedures, processes, and services (including tenure and promotion) throughout your career at CSUDH.
Faculty Handbook
View and download the faculty handbook with important information about academic affairs policies, presidential memos, university governance, personnel policies, academic senate reviews, and student-related policies.
Faculty Development Center (FDC)
The Faculty Development Center (FDC) provides faculty support, resources and services to help them achieve excellence, integration and satisfaction in the areas of teaching, scholarship and service across their careers.
IT Service Portal
Need assistance with email, My.CSUDH.EDU, in-room technology, wireless access, computer systems, or another technical area? Find your solution at the IT Service Portal.
Campus Services
Find links to telephone services, payroll, physical plant services, and other commonly used campus services here.
Faculty Resources
Find important information on upcoming registration; grade submission and graduation deadlines; student privacy policies; commonly-used faculty forms; instructions for grade changes, drops and more; student conduct procedures; CMS business process guides; PeopleSoft training documents; resources available to support student success; changes in financial aid policy; and more in our faculty resources section.
Budget Updates
Get the latest budget updates here.
Academic Senate
The Academic Senate at CSUDH is comprised of a dynamic group of individuals from all areas of the campus community dedicated to working collaboratively to enhance education.
Emergency Contacts
Find emergency phone numbers and contact information for the University Police.