Division of Kinesiology and Recreation

Frequently Asked Questions

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Kinesiology and Recreation FAQ [Word Doc.]


What is kinesiology?

Kinesiology is the study of anatomy, physiology and the principles of mechanics in relation to the human body movement.

What degrees/certificates are offered?

Bachelor of Arts in Physical Education

            Fitness Director Option

Pre-Physical Therapy Option

Teaching Option





Do I need a minor to graduate with a Bachelor's Degree?

No, you do not need a minor. Minors are a secondary field of study that can sometimes be related to the major, but are usually from an entirely different curriculum. If you decided to select a minor it cannot be a Kinesiology minor. A typical minor requires 15 units, but can range from 12 units to 69 units.

Can I double major in Kinesiology (complete more than one Option)?

No, you cannot double major in Kinesiology.

What General Education (GE) courses do I have to take?

GE Advisement is done through the University Advisement Center (UAC). If you have questions regarding which upper or lower division GE courses you need to take visit the University Advisement Center (UAC).

Are there any pre-requisites?

Yes, some courses do require pre-requisites. See advising forms for a list of pre-requisites for each option.

What are the common core courses?

BIO 250           Elements of Human Anatomy and Physiology (3)

BIO 251           Elements of Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory (1)

KIN 223            Introduction to Physical Education

KIN 301            Kinesiology

KIN 303            Exercise Physiology

KIN 330            Somatic Education

KIN 360            Prevention and Treatment of Athletic Injuries

How many units are required?

BA Physical Education: Fitness Director Option: 52-55 units

BA Physical Education: Pre-Physical Therapy Option: 65 units

BA Physical Education: Teaching Option: 64 units

Minor in Coaching: 24 units

Minor in Teaching: 21 units

How often should I see an advisor?

It is essential you meet with an advisor regularly and prior to registering for classes.

How do I contact an advisor?

Contact the Kinesiology Office for advisors hours or contact the advisor via e-mail:

Kinesiology Office 310-243-3761

BA Physical Education: Fitness Director Option: George Wing, gwing@suzhuan-sh.com

BA Physical Education: Fitness Director Option: Gioella Chaparro, gchaparro@suzhuan-sh.com

BA Physical Education: Pre-Physical Therapy Option: Scott Cheatham, scheatham@suzhuan-sh.com

BA Physical Education: Pre-Physical Therapy Option: Carolyn Oudiz, coudiz@suzhuan-sh.com

BA Physical Education: Teaching Option: Carole Casten, ccasten@suzhuan-sh.com

BA Physical Education: Teaching Option: Lee Hancock, lhancock@suzhuan-sh.com

GED Advising visit the University Advisement Center (UAC) in Welch Hall A-220 http://brdw.suzhuan-sh.com/UAC/


What is the process to removing an Advising Hold?

Schedule to meet with your advisor to review your academic requirements and request to have the Advising Hold removed.

Who do I contact if I need a permission number to register for a course?

Contact the instructor of record. If no instructor is assigned for KIN courses contact the Kinesiology and Recreation office.

What is the procedure to complete the First Aid and CPR requirement?

Active First Aid and CPR cards must be submitted to the office of Kinesiology and Recreation during the first two weeks of your last semester.

If I am a transfer student from a Community College, where should I start?

Meet with an Academic Advisor (in Welch Hall A-220) to review your GE requirements http://brdw.suzhuan-sh.com/UAC/ Then meet with your Major Advisor to review transferred courses within your option. You can verify transferable courses onwww.assist.org

If I think I have completed a similar course at a different campus but I do not find it articulated on assist.org, can I request that the course be used to substitute a course offered at CSUDH?

Yes, you may request the course you have taken be reviewed for equivalency. Contact your advisor and provided transcripts, catalog description and syllabus.

Are required major courses automatically transferred from a junior college when I submit my transcripts to the Admissions Office?

No, courses are not always automatically transferred. You need to see your advisor with your transcripts and course description to request a course substitution. For general educational courses visit the University Advisement Center.

Is the Recreation and Leisure Studies Program currently offered?

The Recreation and Leisure Studies program has suspended admission of new and/or transfer students into the Bachelor of Arts and Minor programs effective Fall 2009.


Who do I contact if I still have questions regarding Kinesiology or Recreation not mentioned here?

Contact the office of Kinesiology and Recreation at 310-243-3761.